Kori is well supported by analytical development team which is committed for development of analytical methodologies that provide sensitive, precise & accurate data in optimum time. The principal activities include development & validation of various analytical test procedures for Assay, Content Uniformity, Dissolution, Related Substances, Residual Solvents, other in-house test procedures & finalization of their specifications which will adequately evaluate desire quality attributes.

The key activities regarding R & D Formulations are:

Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS)

R & D in this area attempts to improve the efficiency with which the medicine is absorbed in the body.
Systems are upgraded, keeping in mind the new drug delivery systems (NDDS), keeping pace with the advancements in the pharmaceutical world and creating easier adaptability of the medicine by the body.
Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) efforts are directed towards Controlled Release Formulations and Novel Dosage Formulations.

Generic Formulations

Kori’s constant R & D initiatives have strengthened its product basket with the addition of niche products. The focus has been on developing Generic Formulations to meet the increasing demand of generics and branded generics worldwide. A special effort is made towards increasing the product life cycle of the existing products, by making necessary changes in the formulations, thus making the products more market-worthy. In addition to this, our team works on developing products with less competition in the market, to have the early bird advantage. The Formulation R & D Capability includes:

  • Design and development of new dosage forms
  • Pre formulation studies
  • Pilot scale studies
  • Process validation studies
  • Stability studies as per the guidelines

We continuously thrive on technology upgradation and as a result of which, our customers get technically efficient, aesthetically beautiful and international standard products.